Self-help for people having sexual thoughts about children or worried about their behaviour towards children

We want you to know that there is help and support available for you. You do not have to go through this alone, and we are here to help.

These next sections take you through exercises that may help you address different issues that you may be experiencing.

We suggest that you work through these in order but there might be ones that are more important to you and that you want to start with first.

We encourage you to look at all sections, even if you feel confident in them, as you may still find them helpful. These modules have been designed by Stop It Now! UK & Ireland and although packed with useful information and activities, they are not specific to the Australian context. Work is currently underway to create equivalent Australian self-help modules.

  • The self-help section has a series of exercises that will help you understand more about your sexual interest in children and how to manage these feelings.

  • We understand that this may be challenging but we are here to help. With our anonymous help and support, you may begin to understand your thoughts and behaviours more, and implement ways to manage these. 

    Please call our free, anonymous helpline on 1800 01 1800 for advice, support and information.

    You can also use our live chat if you’re not ready to speak to someone on the telephone helpline.

  • Some people who are concerned about their sexual thoughts about children may have a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), characterised by intrusive or unwanted sexual thoughts about children. These people are not sexually aroused by these thoughts, which instead, cause them extreme distress and anxiety.

    If this sounds like it might be true for you, we suggest you speak to your doctor. The modules on this site are not designed to treat OCD. Read more about OCD.

  • Before you progress further through this website, please read our disclaimer.

    The information provided throughout this website is intended for information, self-exploration, and self-help only. It is designed to increase awareness in people who may feel that they have a problem with sexual thoughts about children, or have thought about acting on these thoughts but have not already done so, or those who have offended and are seeking to avoid repeating this behaviour.

    The information contained in this website is not, and should not be taken as, a substitute for professional advice and/or treatment.

    Although the content of the self-help exercises is based on existing research, this research is ongoing and the authors would not wish to make any claims about effectiveness.

    All the information contained on this website is intended to increase awareness of a difficulty, or potential problem, with regard to a sexual interest in children and is not designed to form a diagnosis. Anyone who feels that they may have a problem in this area should seek professional advice from a qualified person.

    The Stop It Now! Australia team accepts no liability for claims by, or damages of any kind whatsoever, to users of this website. This also applies to decisions or actions taken by any individuals on the basis of the information contained on this website.

    The information and materials, unless stated otherwise, are copyrighted by Stop It Now! Australia and are intended solely for the user’s own use.

    The contents, design and format of this website are under the ownership of Stop It Now! Australia and must not be reproduced or distributed without prior permission.

    Your use of this website constitutes your agreement to the provisions of the disclaimer.